Items Needed for an Interview

1. Application:
  • Everything should be spelled correctly and free of grammatical errors.
2. Cover Letter:
  • Include a cover letter that summarizes your qualifications and shows your relevance to the job. For examples, research example cover letters for your field online.
3. Résumé:
  • Should be no more than two pages. Too much detail will work against you.
  • A good résumé lists your skills and qualifications. For examples, research example résumés for your field online.
  • Always bring an extra résumé to the interview even if it was already sent.
4. References:
  • Use former supervisors who are familiar with your work. Include their names, titles, companies, and phone numbers.
5. Folder:
  • Bring a folder and pen to take notes.
  • Prepare questions ahead of time and throughout interview.